Hessian Website Award 2010 – Deadline Runs

Competition awarded exemplary websites of companies runs until February 28, 2010 the deadline for the Hessian website award. The Hessian website award honours the best quality websites of small and medium-sized enterprises headquartered in Hesse, Germany. Businesses can participate with up to 250 employees, that do not exceed an annual turnover of 50 million euros. The quality of the targeting and the ease of use of the website as well as its legal compliance, design and technical implementation will be assessed. Whether a pure corporate communications website is used or is used for business transactions and contracts, however, does not matter.

The three winners of the Hessian land competition be recognized in a promotional brochure. Also in the newspapers and on the Internet the results of the competition are published. The first winner of the Hessian website award is nominated for the second stage, the Federal decision. From the circle of thirteen country winners the three winners of the NEG website award, which is endowed with a total of 10,000 euros prize money awarded in a jury. The national winner will be on June 9th, 2010 in Bremen in the Congress of Internet services for the middle class”honored. Internet users can vote for the audience award from April 26 until May 14, 2010, under. Target of the NEG website award of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have recognized the need to be known on the Internet with a website. Often lacking but the quality awareness and knowledge, what distinguishes a professional presentation on the Internet.

The network of e-commerce has therefore decided to award the best performances by a contest. The winners serve as practical example and inspiration for other companies. To benefit from the experiences and opportunities for innovation other SMEs in whole Germany and can strengthen their competitiveness in this way. Registration is the application deadline for the Hessian website award until the 28th. February 2010. More information, see that network e-commerce is the NEG (www.ec-net.de) a network of 29 regional centers of excellence for electronic commerce and industry Centre for the trade. Medium-sized businesses and craft will support to the implementation and use of E-business. The network is sponsored since 1998 by the Federal Ministry of Economics and technology (BMWi). The EC-M works since 1998 successfully because the Advisory Centre of e-commerce Middle Hesse, to promote the development of e-commerce by businesses in Central Hesse. The EC-M supported targeted small and medium-sized enterprises in the region with the introduction of modern information and communication technologies. The necessary information and knowledge often lack small businesses in trade, crafts and industry to assess the benefits of the new media for themselves. As one of 28 knots in the electronic network E-commerce is the EC-M direct contact person for interested companies as well as for the technology provider. The competent services of the EC-M consists of many basic services that are specifically tailored to the needs of entrepreneurs such as neutral and free initial information, an initial consultation about the possibilities and modalities of the use of the Internet and other networks for business purposes, the presentation of basic and advanced examples of new media in e-commerce companies. Press contact: EC-M Advisory Centre of e-commerce Middle Hesse of Andreas Heine Gutfleisch str. 3 5 35390 Giessen Tel.: 0641 / 3091347 fax: 0641 / 3092959