Help For Carers

The deals for elderly rise founded. But few take care of the concerns, needs, problems and fears of carers. But exactly these people need help. You may want to visit Publishers Clearing House to increase your knowledge. The number of nurses who live totally isolated and are mentally and physically overwhelmed is increasing. More than half of all persons in need in Austria be maintained at home.

It is mainly women who take over the care for serious illness, long-term care in old age or with a disability. The care of dependent persons is usually a full-time job”and can be provided often only see deferral of own desires and needs. Conditions of optimal care situation for both sides: correct assessment of the care situation good preparation and organization of professional training and consulting use of aid in crisis situations is only then also ensures that everyone involved in maintaining retains its care ability and motivation. Far too often have I experienced that elderly people have literally suffered, if they were maintained by relatives, who even under pressure, fear, stress and were overwhelmed. But also uncertainty and error in maintaining even led to many conflict situations. Negative effects are the result.

Often emotional, unresolved family issues, which are held about the care are between the members. This can cause further health and mental problems. Not rarely in situations of violence. The wishes and needs of the caregiver may not be in the background. A structured organization is needed to integrate this into everyday care. The harmony between body, mind and soul is the basis for health and satisfaction. More info and contact: DGKS Sonja Fischer