Guide Of Professions

He is perceivable that in the current society in relation to the work market the young has the necessity of if deciding precociously for an performance field, starting for the choice of a university course destines that them to a profession specifies. This occurs in way where they do not have the sufficient of information on the demands of more important market and without discovering which its vocation. The result of this most of the time professional is frustrated, badly qualified and playing in precarious way its function. As to choose a profession it is the motto of this work that provided the creation of this article, being able to provide to the pupils an ample knowledge on the most diverse professions, searching to awake in each one the interest I specify for that more good it apraz and that can give to a good condition of life, joining pleasure and satisfaction to it with the good performance in a field that guarantees support more good to it. The initial point is to inside discover the paper of each one of the society, on what it is important and necessary. It is interesting to perceive the form as the works come being executed in our time and this execution depends on the starting point, that is, in the choice of a profession.

We think on our objectives, ideals and all more than let us can obtain through our work. We must analyze our paper as professional, but as not only professional, person and citizen. We can reflect on these aspects of simple form and this does not demand effort of our part very, only understanding of our function in the social environment. When thinking about this, we can reflect on questions as: What I want? What I can? What I must make? Analyzing each one of them in two ways.