According to Mazzei apud Abraham Maslow (2007, p.141) the people are motivated by the satisfaction of its necessities where a structure is followed since the primary necessities ties its auto accomplishment. 3.2 – Theory of the two factors It was created by Frederick Herzberg. As the proper name already distinguishes this divided in two parts that are the motivacionais factors and the hygienical factors. As Arnaldo Mazzei Walnut (2007, P. 142), the hygienical factors of Herzberg are linked the primary necessities, that is, the base of the pyramid of Maslow, already the motivacionais factors are related to the top of the pyramid.
This theory is based mainly on the environment, and as the individual reaches the motivation by means of the satisfaction in the work. Another contribution of Frederick Herzberg for the motivation was the call rotation of positions, where the employees would feel themselves motivated by knowing functions more different, establishing different points of view and modifying the routine of the employees, in view of the thought that the people feel themselves motivated with new challenges. 3.3 – Theory X and Y Its creator Mc Gregor created two theories, X and Y, of which two distinct vises are opposing one of the other having as reference on the human behavior. In an extremity, the beliefs of theory X tend to take the controlling to think about terms of direction and rigid control of the subordinate, since the people are considered in a general way, as inherent sluggish, unprovided of ambition and desire to assume responsibilities, self-centered, with trend to act against the resistant necessities of the organization and to changes.