Flexi Store

Invite you to visit an online store apparel and accessories for dogs RichDogWorld. There is clothing for small dogs (toy-terrier, Chihuahua) and medium-sized rocks. Large selection of comfortable overalls, leashes and shleek, collars with rhinestones. Also in our store, you can choose a bag-portability for dogs – as a budget option, and a bag of luxury. In RichDogWorld a wide range of bowls and lezhanok for dogs from leading manufacturers. The site has comprehensive illustrated catalog with prices. Our table sizes will ideally pick up clothes or shoes for your dog! Why do many opt for our online clothing store on animals? A variety of manufacturers! We give you the opportunity to buy not only products from brands such as: Puppy Angel, Monkey, LouisDog, Lucy's Luxuries, Flexi, Wooflink, but also other non-promoted brands. In the "gallery" can be dressed up to look at our dogs, thus clearly saw as 'sitting' on the clothes or your dog about your breed.

In the reviews are reviews from our customers, whatever your choice was objective and based on the opinions of those who have had the opportunity to Us cooperate. In the article posted an interesting article that will expand your horizons in the field of clothing on the dog and perenosok for the animal. Choose your style for your pet. It will be unrecognizable after each addition as you priodenete us. Chic and glamor, classic and austerity, severity, and on the contrary – pleasantry; your friend, you can create any image! We provide all possible help and use your imagination. Your dog worth it! On our website has a system of discounts, discounts for regular customers. We are waiting for you.