Carlos Nelson

Already shopping was elect place for the social classroom that lives in the condominiums stops in them carrying through its activities of consumption (either of first necessity or superfluous things) and of leisure, being that the second a principle is not a consumption instrument and does not need a preset space to uncurl itself. Carlos Nelson and Vogel affirm that any space can become of leisure, are enough that he has its appropriation for this end, a possible place would be the street, ' ' potential equipment of lazer' '. (SAINTS cf. ABRAHO, 2005:104). in the same way that the space starts to be merchandise, ' ' economic space subordinates itself tempo' ' (LEFEBVRE, 1974:114). The free time passes to the quality of consumables to if tying with the consumption ideals. In these spaces the consumption does not only occur in relation to the property of the property or a good acquired in a store. In the case of a condominium the consumption does not become related only to the size of the property and the characteristics of the materials and used techniques, as well as in case of shopping not only what it is led of its store by means of a payment.

Services and values prezados for the society as the privacy and the security start to assume value of exchange, as well as the space that is constructed from these relations becomes merchandise. The process of reproduction (of the space) in the modern world if more submits each time to the game of the real estate market in the measure where it has new strategies for the accumulation, that if carries through through the real estate entrepreneurs (…) that it tends to create the space of the domination and the control. With this, if it substantially transforms the use of the space and, consequently, the access of the society.