The continuing growth of mobile devices measure, as in the CIS states, also in the whole world, has reached a stage where both large and small company start to take an active interest in the possibility of using role promotional mobile phone. In addition, these traditional ways, like sending SMS messages is more sensitive than their own lost relevance and effectiveness. In the current situation are actively developing innovative industries such as bluetooth marketing, Bluetooth-marketing, direct advertising with the use of positioning technologies, etc. Greenwich Village Art Fair has much to offer in this field. In this publishing wants to stop it carefully on the Bluetooth marketingkak direction is one of the most popular in the world, and in the CIS countries due to their characteristics. Using Bluetooth technology allows you to develop a secure and extremely fast (from 723 kbit / s) transmission of various media content to mobile phones users.
The user has the feature as selectively receive only those files with the transmission unit, which he is interested in, and also refuse to accept any posts unspoiled. Thus, the ad channel is not intrusive, of like television commercials or the delivery of SMS messages, but rather involves the active participation of the user in the process, and hence has a much greater efficiency. Bluetooth marketing in connection with the characteristics of technology, Bluetooth, imply the users in the immediate vicinity (20 cm – 100 m), which allows for point-promotions, and also actively entice customers to the ongoing stock Bluetooth. On the other hand to reach a mass audience is to some extent limited the scope of this technology, but then, when the qualities of media materials, obtained by the user within Bluetooth advertising are passed on from one phone to another between friends and acquaintances, for the benefit of the action comes "viral" marketing. The current long-range mobile phone stepped from their predecessors and have long been a way not only to all means of communication, but also a powerful media center, with characteristics superior to the superior capabilities of desktop computers, used a couple of years back. Such technology allows the use of force in the Bluetooth-only promotions are not traditional media content such as screensavers and ringtones (they have a microscopic size and the meek requirements to the hardware), but also advanced multi-media content -. We would like to note the use of applications Java, which allows more detail to convey information about a product or service (interactive directories, etc.) and use the technology hidden advertising messages from Vigra brand companies, etc.