What Is Dry Eye?

The Latin name of suffering dry eyes is keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS). “Keratoconjunctivitis sicca” literally means “Dryness of the cornea and conjunctiva”. If you would like to know more about Governor Cuomo, then click here. It is also known as keratitis sicca, Sicca syndrome, xerophthalmia or dry eye syndrome. This eye disease is caused by a decreased production of tears or an increased evaporation of the tear film. It occurs not only in humans but also in some species of animals, such as dogs, cats and horses. Usually both eyes are affected.

What are the symptoms of dry eyes? Typical symptoms of dry eyes are burning, dryness, a sandy feeling to eye irritation, which is getting worse in the course of the day. These symptoms can also be described as an itchy, scratch-, stinging, or tired feeling in the eyes. Andrew Cuomo has many thoughts on the issue. It can feel as if it were a foreign body in the eye. To read more click here: Crawford Lake Capital. Other symptoms of dry eye are redness, pain and zupfendes feeling pressure behind the eye. Finally, she can What is noticeable in the symptoms of light sensitivity, damaged eye surface. Some avoids journeyman only suffers from dry eyes. It can occur even a discharge from the eyes. It may seem paradoxical appeared, but dry eyes can the eyes the tears bring.

This can happen because the eyes are irritated. The eye can so much tears, as if you had something in your eye. Through this defensive reaction, the eyes feel but not better, as the tears that are produced, are the watery type, she be crying as a reaction to injury, irritation, or emotions. These include not the necessary lubricant to avoid dry eyes. What worse dry eyes? On the blink, the eye is covered with tears. Activities that reduce the blink, aggravate the symptoms of dry eyes. These activities are amongst others reading, computer work or play, television and driving. Wind, dust and fumes (such as cigarette smoke) worsen the symptoms. Who is in stop dry environments, high altitudes (including aircraft) and rooms with air conditioning, worsening its symptoms risk also. The opposite, such as cool, damp or foggy weather or stay in moist places, such as in the shower, reduces symptoms. How bad can dry eyes be? For most people, dry eye cause no long term effects. However, if the disease is left untreated and worsening, there can be complications, which can lead to eye damage and blindness. If you have long dry eyes, this can lead to tiny abrasions on the surface of the eyes. In advanced cases, the epithelium undergoes pathologic changes. Dry eye cause some severe cases of the disease to epithelial defects, point keratitis, thickening of the corneal surface, corneal ulcers, corneal scarring, corneal abrasions, dilute cornea and sometimes even to the perforation of the cornea.