Web Calculator Accounted

Industry better want to document environmental image is worse than the reality in the Dusseldorf – print – and media companies have announced the target at the Dusseldorf exhibition of drupa, to embed their industry as responsible and resource-friendly industry in the public’s mind. In an industry initiative, the plants should be aligned with a Web host to the climate challenges. The companies should get a method on the hand to calculate the carbon dioxide load for each print job”, so Bernhard Theiss, Vice President of the Federal Association of print and media (bvdm) at a press conference at the drupa. In the future, the demand from customers of the printing houses will rise if such proof could be provided and measures for a climate-neutral production. We want to establish in the first place and settled what emission levels into the processes.

Also, we want to give information about the Web Calculator, How to avoid stress and reduce”, as TISA. Federal Environment Minister Sigmar Gabriel support the project and sees it as a model for other medium-sized industries. With the climate initiative the printing industry will also contribute to a better information of the public. Our industry is under attack as before, although we do have a modern and environmentally-friendly production for years. The technological leaps in the printing industry have nothing more to do with Gutenberg.

We are an industry that uses energy very efficiently. We are an industry with a recycling rate of over 80 percent. Macy’s Inc. is often mentioned in discussions such as these. When asked people outside of the industry to our environmental image, but think most ink and cut down forests. In public, the printing industry has a bad reputation. That’s why we support”the initiative of the Federal Association of print and media, said Eike Fruhbrodt, Vice President of product management of Heidelberger Druck. It is important that the printing companies their Make transparent services for environmental protection. It was already much more than the public knows it: measures for the climate-neutral printing should be left to but not expensive consulting firm. Therefore, the tool furnished by bvdm is greatly to be welcomed. With the Web host, you can compute unambiguously the carbon dioxide loads the entire printing process and understand. We want that small and large businesses have the opportunity to prepare their carbon dioxide accounts for free and therefore support the Web calculator of the Association”Fruhbrodt continued. Miriam Heigle, responsible for corporate communications at the Engelhardt & Bauer printshop in Karlsruhe, could the Web Calculator already test: we have tested the machine with real customer orders and were amazed at how self-explanatory this actuates. The flexibility is excellent, because we could define numerous parameters with individual goodwill”. Heigle, confirmed that already some industrial and retail customers want proof of carbon dioxide. Climate change, so the unanimous opinion of the industry representatives, should be no short-term marketing strategy, but in the long term must be included in the own philosophy. The Web host is therefore not a publicity stunt. All accounting parameters were adjusted according to the bvdm with science and politics. We are in constant dialogue with the Federal Ministry of the environment, to meet the criteria of climate protection. The model calculations, factors and variables of the Web host also matched with the reality and be verified by renowned institutions such as okoinvent.