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Lilith you tell me how to build their training, what to look for, so hurry to speak in German. I have on hand the results have just passed examinations at dtz after a course of integration, and I, for Unfortunately, not pulled the exam. Rather I have spoken to 67 points out of a hundred, but must be 75 at least B1. With the letter and the rest – at B1. It’s pretty bad. The results were unexpected for me, I was more or less confident in the verbal part. Now thinking of the test, and estimating a further plan of action, assuming the basic problem: perhaps slow speech, grammatical errors, or unfortunate task. How is it possible to quickly correct what textbooks and courses? Fractal Watch tv, listen to the radio, read books.

Do you have another passive vocabulary is not gained, I think. Then download podcasts, or repeat after speaker. Try to call anywhere – in universities, banks, etc. Identify what causes you have the greatest difficulty – vocabulary, grammar, or whether it is just embarrassing. Elika What should I do? Speak! Do not be silent! Read – if possible only aloud – books, magazines and newspapers. Repeat phrases while watching tv.Zaplanirovat themed trips to the cafe, post office, a drugstore, etc. Prepare in advance the approximate text of a possible dialogue.

Rehearse at home – and people! Nothing can replace real communication. Peresilte tightness, no you An error will not scold.