In recent years it had a considerable increase in what it says respect to the virtual nets of sociability and relationships as Orkut, Facebook and the Twitter, being this the object of our study. Of the English language, the verb ' ' tweet' ' , that it means to piar of birds, takes the twitteiros of planto to follow, on line, the gorjeios? in form of messages of up to 140 characters? of that if they had considered to follow. In an unpretentious relation with the Flautista de Hamelin? German folclrico story published by the Grimm brothers in century XIX? despite it seems a little constrangedor, is possible to make an analogy of the history of the musician of the city of Hamelin, that, when receiving the incumbency to finish with the rats that infested that locality, obtained success by means of the sound of its flute. With its melody, it attracted all the rats for far it drowned and them in a river. However, frustrated with the refusal of the payment for the authority city dweller, the musician, in an act of revenge, hipnotiza all the children of the city take and them even so obtain, thus leaving, that desolate and unhappy city. It can seem risvel, if it was not nonsense excessively to compare the followers of the melody of the above-mentioned musician with the users of the Twitter in question, that, as hipnotizados, follow and answer to the chosen ditames of its in an act of almost proselitista devotion. He is well-known to point out despite the increase of information and proportionate communication for the Internet in recent years made of the individual an isolated being that interacts with excessively without the necessity leaving its particular environment. Of this form, the wave of the social nets in the Internet directed toward the creation of virtual communities devaluates each time more the social relations in set with the family, the school, the church, isolating the individual, restricting its performance in this scope and contributing for the growth of the egoism, the omission, of the apathy, beyond collaborating for the sprouting of psychological riots, as the depression.