The Subway

And the sad thing is that some of those who already were and assumed by one or the other circumstances the power, they still don’t understand it or they shunned because it never hurt them or because they simply do not know, by ignorance or ineptitude, how to do it. I write these lines at a time of great despair in the subway when what it precisely is hope. I think the fact that we are demoralized because it has won terrain ineptitude and lack of ethics and morality in the country and the Metro in particular, is, contrary to what some think, more reason to continue fighting with optimism by moving them and do better what we know to do better, for a simple reason: we are better. Only by that simple fact I feel in special duty and obligation to fight in where you are in favour of an efficient and decent company as well as being vigilant, in my particular case, that the work done by staff in the GCT in recent years is not lost, which is visible across the enterprise and who wants to appreciateregardless of any errors that could have been committed. Why won me the idea of the A.C. Familiametro.

In the short time that I lived with Metro staff, in all the areas that I interact, I felt the urgency of many workers of an honest driving and related with the primary and originating in the company values, recalling the vision and the disinterest of its founder in a great and worthy company for its workers and its users do occupationally. That was all that was requested because the hardest thing was done. Already had a capable, trained people and what is best, with the willingness to help. It was something like scream, that if the city had a system such as the Metro, it was because the company had always been mystical disinterested of its workers and especially of their drivers; and this had been lost in a concert of hopelessness, as it is the country.