The Distribution

The life human being the formation of the regions had been always related to the ambient conditions, in the relation of the man with the climate and with the natural resources, fact is that the distribution of these wealth is not given in homogeneous way for the space, what does not justify in fact the regional superiority in the politician-ideological sphere, but yes in the capacity of action and control on the territory. It comes then the geographic possibilismo that in them brings the idea of a space that does not only depend on the natural conditions where the man is a constantly operating agent in this process, the considered region is conceived as being, par excellence, the geographic region, therefore this encloses the landscape and its territorial extension, where if component human beings and nature interlace in harmonious way. A specific relation between man and nature in one is mentioned to it determined place, where culture, politics, economy and society if form from its internal necessities, as a dynamics that she is proper of the region, being able to be defined as the analysis in the life way of that in turn it molds the regional conditions that singularizam and identify each regional locality. The idea of that in elapsing of the history in the production ways if they construct objects? what keep obtain all meant referring to the act of its elaboration? sample that these are marked by the cultural production of one determined territorial extension and one determined time. To each new function of the regional space, in the international context, new external forces of modernization enter in contact with one or more regions modify they its regional necessities and characteristics in accordance with. This convergence or, many times, divergence between the external and internal forces in the region create certain instability in the space, causing social disequilibria and inaqualities.