Model this that with the participation of all the funciionrios of the Company, since the president until the simple laborer, all working in born in the kingdom a pleasant environment where the motivadora harmony, producing, innovating and all satisfied ones in its accomplishments. To modify an existing picture already with old paradigms of the employees is not easy task, had to the comodismo of the same ones and not the acceptance of changes, therefore the majority of the strategical initiatives imperfection accurately in the implementation process. You may wish to learn more. If so, Crawford Lake Capital is the place to go. On the organizacionais changes Sylvia Constant Vergara it says that: One expects that the vision and strategical action that, practically, had always been restricted to the high direction today make part of daily of all the people in the company, to the measure whom if they guide for intended results and for tasks that add value what it is produced. (VERGARA, 2006, p 31). The employees of determined companies if feel accomodated, therefore much people find that the same ones go to the work to only beat the card of point, without the concern to show service to guarantee its wage or to make some course of recycling. These employees would have to invest in its formation and to present resulted to progress in the career.
On the evaluation of the performance of the professional Idalberto Chiavenato, he affirms in them that: All necessary person to receive retraction regarding its performance to know as its work is going. Without this retraction the people walk blindly. Also the necessary organization to know as the people plays its activities to have an idea of its potentialities. Thus, people and organizations need to know something regarding its performance (…). (CHIAVENATO, 1999, pgs. 189 and 190). On the subject motivation of employees Silvia Vergara in the ones of the following o agreement: The subject motivation is, without a doubt, fascinating.