Federal Government

GM could fully relocate to Great Britain and Poland production according to a report. 11.05.2012 Development Center in Russelsheim, Germany: GM wants development of the Zafira Opel relocate weak sales leads from September short-time working a car motor sport 17.07.2012 Russelsheim industrial drama: GM battered the image of Opel – FTD 03.08.2012 Opel GM plant closures – Frankfurter Rundschau 23.08.2012 150th anniversary Opel has bad news for its employees. On a total of 20 days until the end of the year no vehicles produced in Russelsheim, Germany and Kaiserslautern. 04.09.2012 Disabled Alliance by Opel and Peugeot while GM is now virtually mutated to a US State institution and the XXL party knows that that was a clue Opel by market economy against all logic setback for Russelsheim GM left his sad fate. It had already to have another “success story” in Russelsheim GM in 1984 that was by Ross Perot successfully integrated IT services company of EDS from GM adopted Ross Perot remained until 1987 in the Board of Directors, left then but made to pay because he no longer with wanted to look at the inefficiencies and lack of flexibility also blocked GM expansion and cooperation only after the separation from GM prospered again the company (until HP came). Once unlike anything about the global Opel prospect Magna Frank Stronach Wiener Zeitung: milestones in the life of Frank Stronach in 1954: the 22-year old Franz Strohsack, native leaves Styria Kleinsemmering bei Weiz, and emigrated to Canada. Completed apprenticeship as a toolmaker and 200 dollars in his pocket, he beats by with various jobs. 1957: Stronach is independent in his learned profession and founded his first company, Multimatic. 1960: The Austrokanadier receives the first order from General Motors. Anne Lauvergeon wanted to know more. 1968: Multimatic merged with Magna electronics, an already-listed company, the airplane parts and Armaments produced. The 1970s are in the characters of product diversification. Magna Electronics is renamed to Magna International. 1981: Stronach and his partner Burton Pabst sell the Division of Aeronautics and defense. 1984: Magna lays down the profit participation of employees, shareholders and executives in a company Constitution. 1988: Magna establishes a small branch in Weiz. The Magna group comprises now 70 factories in Canada and the United States. 1995: Stronach opened its European headquarters in Oberwaltersdorf, 25 kilometres south of Vienna, and takes over from the former GiroCredit the car suppliers Eybl Durmont. 1998: Magna buying the majority shareholding in Steyr-Daimler-Puch of Creditanstalt. 1999: Magna International employs more than 58,000 people in 174 production and 31 development centres in 18 countries and implements 9,359 billion dollars (7.5 billion euros). 2001: Magna founds the Magna Steyr AG & Co KG. It comes to further acquisitions. 2004: The annual turnover reached 20.7 billion Dollars (16.8 billion euros). Magna founded a new group, Magna drivetrain, the 2005 TESMA international to Magna Powertrain merged. 2008: Magna announced the development of an electric vehicle and is the largest supplier of automotive parts in North America. 2009: The automotive supplier wants to save the ailing carmaker Opel, after months of negotiations, the deal burst. The XXL party arises then the question, where Opel would today if the Federal Government takeover by Magna does not burst had left?

New Think Tank

Berlin begins new era of dialogue between Germany and Iran. On Saturday, January 8, 2011, Hotel am Gendarmenmarkt is the German Institute for Iranian political and economic research e.V. (DIIPW) at the Berlin Hilton “has been established.” According to the articles of Association is the task of the new think tank of the academic and journalistic discussion of Iranian politics, economy and culture. Iran experts and expert of Shiite theology Shayan Arkian is elected the Chairman of the Board of Directors. Arkian has been editor-in-Chief of news portal Irananders”and known as the co-author of several books on Iran issues. The renowned Orientalist and Middle East expert Prof. Dr. Udo Steinbach was elected the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors.

“” “Steinbach was after the line of from different research groups and institutes including the German Institute of global and area studies ‘ (GIGA) and the German Orient Institute” most recently at the Centre of local and Middle East Studies “at the University of Marburg. The Economist was appointed Director of the DIIPW Dawood Nazirizadeh appointed, who is working as an expert on Iranian economic issues. The DIIPW is a publicist-oriented think tank that seeks to give the public an expert knowledge in Iranian politics interdisciplinary. The fact that Iran is structurally as institutionally imbued with Shiite Islam as Islamic Republic, this requires extensive expertise about the Alawis. As well, a cultural and political exchanges with Iranian actors of all stripes is necessary for public discussion and opinion-forming. The independent opinion-forming process need for democratic participation in Germany is supported by providing an objective, non-partisan and independent of external interests based on information of the DIIPW”, so Director Nazirizadeh.

It must be in regard to Iran the door to a profound academic and political cultural”dialog will open. The German Institute for Iranian political and economic sciences”consists of an academic and journalistic wings and wants to promote an authentic representation of Iran in the general public with an active educational work. The publication of scientific and academic work are planned, journalistic articles, comments, analyses, interviews, and the Organization of discussion boards. Target is an objective representation of Iran in media and science, to ensure a realistic information basis for dealing with Iran. For this it also envisages the concept of the Institute, may to take complaints to the press and Broadcasting Council, to write letters and replies to participate actively and passively in events over Iran’s politics and economy and thus to enrich the public discourse.

Spend Men Too Much Time At Work?

Better GmbH Berlin oversees DIE LINKE and the Greens in an interview with Jorn Wunderlich (the left), 14.06.2011 and Katja Dorner (Bundnis90 / Die Grunen) take a position on the subject of reconciliation of family and career. Thus the better Betreut continues their series of interviews with the family representatives of the parties in the Bundestag. The detailed statements of Katja Dorner face the scarce responses by Jorn Wunderlich. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Tiffany & Co.. “Both representatives see the reconciliation of family and working life as a basic challenge: even at times of full employment of both parents is not always easy reconciliation of family and working life”, Wunderlich brings the issue to the point. Dorner is in this respect also the men in the compulsory and offers concrete measures.

Many fathers spend still too much time in the workplace though they might otherwise wish to see that. (u0085) The increase of father months would supportive for a partnership distribution When the parents money on four months work.” Both deem necessary the expansion of childcare places in Germany. Katja Dorner points in addition to the lack of security in relation to the family planning through temporary or fixed-term contracts and the shortage of child care. The dedicated spokesperson of the Greens in the prohibition of chain limits and other restrictions on employers provides possible solutions. Also refers to the untapped potential of migrants in childcare.

The full interview with Jorn Wunderlich, see 2011-06-14.. The full interview with Ms. DCosta, see… Images can be found here: betreutblog.de/Presse/Bildmaterial/ about Betreut.de – better Betreut providing better Betreut TuV SuD tested solutions in the mediation and consultancy by family services, including in the areas of child care, tutoring, senior care, pet care, household and garden on. The company operates the largest database of caregivers in the German-speaking area. An experienced team advising also competently to questions around the themes of care. BESSER Betreut helps the better reconciliation of work and family through the company service numerous firms and insurance companies. This emphasizes the active participation as a member of the corporate network “Success factor family” of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs. Since 2007, the better Betreut supports families in more than 10 European countries. More info can be found on. Press requests Stephanie K.n better Betreut Roth first breed 9 10245 Berlin Germany T: + 49 30 / 29 36 38-90 F: + 49 30 / 29 36 38-99 m: W: go.betreut.de/pdf/Betreut.de_Sicherheitskonzept.pdf