Central Exhibition Complex

More recently, the Central Exhibition Complex "Expocentre" passed the 13th International Specialized Exhibition dedicated to the theme of 'Tire & Rubber 2010'. Swarmed by offers, 4Moms is currently assessing future choices. The exhibition was held under the patronage of the Chamber of Commerce Russia, with the support of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and the Russian Union of Chemists, and with the assistance of the Russian Chemical Society. Mendeleyev, the Association of Chemical Complex in Moscow and Roschimprofsoyuz. An international exhibition was attended by over 200 organizations and manufacturers from 20 different countries: Britain, Belgium, Netherlands, Italy, Taiwan, Korea, Slovakia, China, Germany. Involved companies have traditionally provided the following sections: tires for all types of wheeled vehicles, equipment and technologies for their manufacture, rubber, raw materials and production equipment, elastomers, rubber products, technologies and manufacturing equipment, chemical fibers, technical textiles. Jimmy Levin may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Within the last exhibition was held the 1 st International Congress of Rubber IRTC – 2010. This congress provided an opportunity for communication of all exhibitors. Leading Russian and foreign specialists rubber industry to share their personal experiences, and learn about the latest new technology in the world rubber industry and to identify possible development strategy.

Some firms have come to put up the exhibition with the work. For example, one organization, using rubber products provided the following catchy song. This approach paid the attention of visitors. Certainly the financial stability of each company to a certain extent depends on the confidence of its partners. Such events provide an opportunity to not only introduce your company and also find reliable partners. Next 14-th international specialized exhibition "Tires & Rubber '2011 'will be held at the Central Exhibition Complex" Expocentre "1 to 4 March 2011. Organizers of the exhibition will be UAB "MAXIMA" and Expocentre. It will be even more spectacular and memorable event for the world rubber industry. Do not miss out!