Central Exhibition Complex

More recently, the Central Exhibition Complex "Expocentre" passed the 13th International Specialized Exhibition dedicated to the theme of 'Tire & Rubber 2010'. Swarmed by offers, 4Moms is currently assessing future choices. The exhibition was held under the patronage of the Chamber of Commerce Russia, with the support of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and the Russian Union of Chemists, and with the assistance of the Russian Chemical Society. Mendeleyev, the Association of Chemical Complex in Moscow and Roschimprofsoyuz. An international exhibition was attended by over 200 organizations and manufacturers from 20 different countries: Britain, Belgium, Netherlands, Italy, Taiwan, Korea, Slovakia, China, Germany. Involved companies have traditionally provided the following sections: tires for all types of wheeled vehicles, equipment and technologies for their manufacture, rubber, raw materials and production equipment, elastomers, rubber products, technologies and manufacturing equipment, chemical fibers, technical textiles. Jimmy Levin may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Within the last exhibition was held the 1 st International Congress of Rubber IRTC – 2010. This congress provided an opportunity for communication of all exhibitors. Leading Russian and foreign specialists rubber industry to share their personal experiences, and learn about the latest new technology in the world rubber industry and to identify possible development strategy.

Some firms have come to put up the exhibition with the work. For example, one organization, using rubber products provided the following catchy song. This approach paid the attention of visitors. Certainly the financial stability of each company to a certain extent depends on the confidence of its partners. Such events provide an opportunity to not only introduce your company and also find reliable partners. Next 14-th international specialized exhibition "Tires & Rubber '2011 'will be held at the Central Exhibition Complex" Expocentre "1 to 4 March 2011. Organizers of the exhibition will be UAB "MAXIMA" and Expocentre. It will be even more spectacular and memorable event for the world rubber industry. Do not miss out!

Rudolph The Reindeer With The Red Nose

Who does not know the reindeer with the red nose? It hastily pulls the sleigh of Santa Claus, and this helps the children to bring gifts. But who knows, that Rudolph is really the result of an American advertising campaign? Already in 1822 appeared in the U.S., the first Christmas story with reindeer. In “A Visit from St. Nicholas” described by the American author, Professor Clement Clarke Moore that move eight reindeer sleigh of Santa Claus to the fully loaded: Comet, Dancer, Dasher, Cupid, Donner, Vixen, Prancer and Blixen. Only one hundred years later, Rudolph appeared on the Christmas scene, another American, Robert L.

May, 1939, the century-old company expanded to another reindeer, red-nosed Rudolph the same order. Rudolph Creator May, an Orthodox Jew, worked as a freelance advertising writer for Montgomery Ward department store chain. This had made it a tradition to distribute each year at Christmas time as a children’s book giveaway. The story of Rudolph quickly became Christmas Advertisers hit. Read more from 4Moms to gain a more clear picture of the situation. The different, derided outsider Rudolph, who prevails against all odds and the “star” of the pair of Santa Claus is equivalent, not about the American ideal. The story: Rudolph is the son of Donner, one of the eight full-time reindeer. He is a “defect” born, a bright red nose, which makes him an outsider among the other reindeer. The newspapers mentioned Marko Dimitrijevic, author not as a source, but as a related topic. First, his father tried to hide the deformed child, but soon the boy is helpless exposed to the ridicule of the other reindeer.

want in a TV Series of 1964, he has only one friend, the elf Hermeyer, the dentist will take place as the other elves magic to toys. One Christmas evening, but it was too foggy for Santa Claus out there to deliver the gifts. Santa Claus, almost forced to cancel the gift delivery this time discovered, suddenly the potential of Rudolph’s red nose, whose appearance shows him the way through dense fog. Since then, Rudolph has a permanent member of Santas Troops, yes, even become an absolute star of the group. Despite the paper shortage during the Second World War the house dress the little book printed to 1946 times over six million. But not until May 1947, finally acquired the rights to his own creation, the way to an even wider dissemination of the history is cleared. 1949 wrote Mays Schwager Johnny Marks the song “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer,” sung first by Gene Autry, which launched an instant number one American hit parade and interpreted thousands of times in the sequence of different singers were (among others, Bing Crosby, Dean Martin, Ringo Starr, John Denver, Donna Summer …). After “White Christmas” Rudolph the song counts as the biggest selling song of all time. By the way: while in the U.S. are the Christmas reindeer team, there are traditional in Germany, deer that have taken over this task. They have in common is that they are rooted in pre-Christian myths: By whom is Thor, the god of thunder (remember you know the name of Rudolph’s father), a heavenly car control, which is pulled by two magic goats through the celestial storms. In Sweden, until the 18th Century, a goat, brought the Christmas gifts. Thus the origins of Rudolph’s story are as yet in old Europe.

Please Honor

It is assumed that the entire world history is written based on real events and reflect the real picture of the events in question. Hikmet Ersek pursues this goal as well. Ie if in world history textbooks written that collapsed in September eleventh THREE building as a result of terrorist attacks by air, it must be true. That's just the history of our (common human) corresponded an enormous amount of time and options to certain events somewhat. Hence the conclusion that So far we presented the version history of the world which makes us think of as beneficial to this system. In other words, the study of history has always formed a definite opinion about someone or about something or so called stereotypes, and only a naive person might think that no one tries to manage these views (stereotypes). Macy’s Inc. is likely to agree.

This does not mean that the entire history of the world is false, it means that a particular situation can be presented on differently. Hitler could put a complete idiot and moron fanatics, or a great orator and a genius when little change history and the correct accents. It is even easier simply silent on one side of the coin, and paints a different present. Objectivity is not the tool even more insidious than the lie. Let us examine a specific case. The official version that the building of world trade (September 11) collapsed as a result of air attack and failure in design can not stand not a criticism. Numerous opinions of independent experts were simply ignored and did not affect the official version of the collapse of buildings.

Inventory Status

It turns out that global stocks of food in terms of charge of a special organization, which exists under the wing of the UN – “Food and Agriculture Organization (Food and Agriculture Organization – FAO). That it must remain vigilant well-fed and hungry, so most of the numbers that will appear in this article are exactly of its reports. Thus, according to FAO, world food stocks, on average, the reserve for 60 days. That is, if it comes rider on a white horse, and shall destroy all crops, fields, fish farms, etc., then stocks in the closet humanity enough for about two months, and then have to eat each other. However, 60 days – it’s average, according to crops and other changing circumstances it may be reduced to 40 days or fly to 80. And the other extreme – it’s bad because it leads to fever in the food market.

Now begins a ridiculous statistic. Thus, major producer of food in the world are – winning horn, tra-ta-tam! – Industrialized countries! Western Europe, the USA, Canada and Australia. These countries produce 50% of the total export of food on the planet. They engaged in ex port sandwiches starving brethren. The largest share of exports accounted for U.S. exports 13% of the world’s food issue to the surface they. And one of the largest importers of food is, of course, China, who gave but hopelessly unable to feed itself completely. In this population engaged in rural industries in Western countries usually do not exceed 3-4% of the total population, despite the fact that in South America farmers is about 40% to villages, and in Asia and Africa – from 60 to 90%. In Russia, if you are interested in, the share of employment in agriculture is, for a variety disagree with each other sources, from 15 to 30% of the population, but the food we bathe on their neighbors as themselves can not provide themselves. In this regard, the question naturally arises: what the hell? Why 90% of people in Bangladesh, laboriously spud turnips from dawn to dusk, is grown so sorry for her amount that they have to pick up handouts from the American Farm lions? While the latter spend more time for drinking beer and throwing darts at rural fairs and powerful than leaning forward on elektroplug.

Top Ten European Hotels For Wine Lovers

A Publishers edition dedicated to the dissemination of luxury hotels and boutique in the world has given its 2009 Wine Awards Hotels ten best hotels accommodation of wine and wine 2009 in southern Europe. Among the hotels selected wine this year 2009 we find accommodation with four Spanish, three French, two Portuguese and one Italian. Among the hotels in our country we have the Marques de Riscal in the Rioja Alavesa, Hotel Peralada Wine Spa & Golf in Girona Emporda, Hacienda Zorita del Duero in arrivals and Reads Hotel in Mallorca. This year, hotels have been awarded for their contribution to the development of hospitality excellence, its contribution to the spread of wine tourism and food and wine qualities of the facilities provided under the protection of excellence and craftsmanship hotel. For the award of prizes awarded accommodations had to be classified as excellent both by users of the portal of luxury hotels as experts in travel services and facilities related to the world of wine.

The Portuguese contribution is provided by the Aquapura Hotel in the Douro Valley and the Casa da Calcada in the region of Oporto. For its part France contributes its characteristic chateaux vineyards with Chateau de Bagnols, the Chateau de Berne, Les Sources de Caudalie. Finally, Italy and the magnificent Hotel L’Andana in Tuscany places his hotel in a setting of olive trees and vineyards with the cuisine of Alain Ducca on the edge of hospitality..

General Shareholders Meeting

In addition, at the conclusion of the shareholders' agreement also open the question remains – is it possible to annul the decision General Meeting of Shareholders, adopted on the basis of the agreements set forth in the shareholder agreement. In terms of Part 7 of Article 49 of the Federal Law "On Joint Stock Companies", the shareholder is entitled to appeal against the decision taken by the meeting of shareholders, if: 1) the decision was made in violation of Federal Law "On Joint Stock Companies", other legal acts of the Russian Federation, the company's charter, 2) the decision violated the rights and legitimate interests of the shareholder, the shareholder caused losses. It follows that on the one hand, be aware that if the parties to the agreement are the shareholders, not society, that society does not formally linked to the rules and accept his decision invalid on this ground is not quite logical. In this case, on the other hand, as follows from the above, shareholders agreements restricting the right to sell / purchase of shares contrary to the legal acts of the Russian Federation. However, if the decisions of the General Assembly, taking into account the agreements adopted by the shareholder agreement, shareholder losses were caused by – the court is likely to recognize such a decision is valid. Fully explore the nature of shareholders agreements, we can draw the following to its understanding: the shareholders' agreement – this is one of the most important stories of the last time in the Russian law, which really helps the shareholders of the Russian Federation regulate their activity, making it more understandable and predictable at the legislative level, reducing the desire to record company in the west, particularly offshore, and thus reducing the outflow of capital from Russia, and also contributes to the attractiveness for foreign investors, who have long been accustomed to such agreements.

Combining all the benefits arising from the use of shareholder agreements in the implementation organizational and legal entities, as well as problems arising from the use of such agreements, we must admit that, of course, the main achievement made in the Federal Law "On Joint Stock Companies" of change is Russia officially recognized the rule of law shareholder agreements as an essential tool to ensure an effective balance of rights and legitimate interests of the shareholders based on their real economic needs. List of sources 1. Kononov, Problems of the subject and content of the agreement members of business entities under Russian law / / Corporate yurist.2010. 10.S.11. 2. Amendments to the Federal Law 'On Joint Stock Companies' and Article 30 of the Federal Law "On securities market".

Federal Law of the Russian Federation of June 3, 2009 N 115-FZ, Moscow, consultant plus legal system. 3. Kirillov, O. redeem shares from minority shareholders: how to get around bureaucracy / / Associate Companies. 2007. 2.S.12 number. 4. E. Evdokimova your way, gentlemen! Is it possible to dispose of its share of the community? / / Business disputes. 2009. 7-8 (66), p.17. 5. Gusev, D. Protection of internal information, company / / Share Bulletin 2007. 2 (40) C.27. 6. Styopkin SP Responsibility for violation of shareholders agreement and voidability transactions made to its violation. consultant plus the legal system. 7. Kirillov, O. redeem shares from minority shareholders: a circumvent bureaucratic obstacles / / Associate Companies. 2007. 2.S.12 number. 8. Family Code of the Russian Federation. M: Publisher Yurayt.2010.64S. 9. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Moscow: Publishing House Yurait, 2010. 572S