When you have the know how to earn money on the Internet then has cheap of the income to live the way in Paraguay, when the money in Germany is not sufficient. If you know how to earn money on the Internet, so you can live in Paraguay very well by the money earned. In Germany, however, the receipts would not enough often to live. Because there you must earn at least 2000 or more and if you live just to be able to pay much more for all additional costs. In Paraguay, a monthly earnings of about 1,000 euros would suffice but this and is therefore more capital left to save or to afford something more, because 500 to 700 euros would be per month in Paraguay at a normal life level sufficient. Of course you need also the know how how you can earn money on the Internet. Typically, you deserve this about affiliate programs, sponsor networking and other Verdientsquellen.
It has very good websites with a high PageRank, so it may require too much money for backlinks where man then monthly income has. Good Web pages already 100 euro or even much can be more per month and you should also use these sources of income because they do not disturb on your own website. Now enough money on the Internet – about 1000 Euro per month – without much to work, so you cannot retire worry-free in Paraguay to rest, still a little work, and live very well from Internet revenues. It’s now very well, but you have to do something to maintain even the current revenue and also the revenue increase, because the competition never sleeps and can overtake one and overtake and then also the revenues could decrease. This just a small example of how to earn money on the Internet and live in Paraguay and also possibly other emigration countries. Never play with the idea to emigrate to Paraguay to sell real estate, because the competition is too great. It sold only 1 object per year, so this would not even cover the cost of living in Paraguay, it be of merit is this over 10000 euro. We convey even real estate, but this is just a supplementary business, which more or less was imposed on us by the Paraguayern, and also by German returnees, because we have the technical means and without additional costs, to manage its objects on our Web pages and to offer. Only live we couldn’t in Paraguay.