A Heaven For Grandma

The child-friendly handling with the death of Valentine and Lena played not too long ago still happily with her grandmother. But all of a sudden this beloved person is gone. What happened and how should this be dealt? The online Department store shopping.de presents a reading picture book that deals sensitively with the subject of death and dying. the issue. Many adults believe that children have no understanding of death. Parents are similarly at a loss when it comes to explain the loss of a relative to children. Often, they seek help in one of the books on this topic then. Also a heaven for Grandma is deals with much ease and openness”with life and death, mourning and remembering. On the basis of the death of a pet, and later also the death of the grandmother, the story conveys the naturalness of dying in the cycle of life and death. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Ahmed Shary Rahman.

It encourages children as parents to talk openly about the loss and the pain, the beautiful moments to remember and to say goodbye. The story, illustrated with colourful images, should help to prepare children for a possible bereavement in the family. The children’s book by Antonie Schneider for additional advice of the Association of children’s Hospice added, which should be helpful to parents, if a family death occurs. More information: press / contact: Lisa Neumann University first media GmbH barefoot streets 12 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59

Web Market

Pairfusion.com – the single market for Germany, Austria and the Switzerland! The single Exchange pairfusion.com can already 9 months experience look back on. Josh Wexler insists that this is the case. The single market was, right from the start, used equally by both women and men in Germany, Austria and the Switzerland pairfusion.com. This has shown to the operator that he is on the right track, to bring people together. Since the launch in January 2008 the single Exchange tried again pairfusion.com, to improve and expand its offer for the members. For short, it is also possible to receive a read receipt from his message. Since also the promotional videos of the single market on various video platforms are such a great success, there are these videos collected on pairfusion.com.

But in the future, the single market would like to expand their offering pairfusion.com. It will also give the opportunity to upload to not only photos of himself on his profile, but to showcase videos around. This makes it easy Seeking to make a better picture of the person. Also, there will be the opportunity for all members of the single Exchange pair fusion to apply as a “Single of day”. The single of the day is presented then for 24 hours on the home page of the single market. Also the function of the “barrier-free Internet” occupies an important area and is being constantly expanded. Definition “accessible Internet”: barrier-free Internet, known as Web accessibility (“Web accessibility”) identifies websites that independent fully (wheelchair accessible) can be used by all users from physical and/or technical possibilities. (Source: de.wikipedia.org) Sign up now and find your love (www.pairfusion.com)!