As the driver and the taxi service to the client would be handy to know what distance covered, time spent what, what, after all, charge the driver? As passengers understand that it is not cheating, not bothering to calculations cost of the trip? Of course, the solution of this problem was found long ago, but the current implementation is not an isolated mechanical device with a fixed tariff (Just imagine that for each tariff was needed separate machine!) as it was before, and highly customized, accurate software for your device, which allows the driver and passengers to always be aware of the cost of travel, distance and spent on travel time. Moreover, even if the passenger was not alone, and destinations are different, not counting the cost of more complicated – it is completely automated! The program is part of the taximeter to device from the company DMC – 'DMC X-Win'. In addition to the functions of a taximeter, the program serves as a client for the exchange of orders a taxi – the driver can take orders, not taking his manager to work, thereby speeding up the taxi service, so the dispatcher will be notified only that the order is accepted, but if it was not appropriate, may cancel this action driver. In addition, a program for smartphones DMC X-Win is not just for the exchange of orders of DMC, but also with programs for taxis, as well as facilitating the work of dispatchers and drivers themselves. In other words, this type of software allows drivers to take the load dispatchers. Work programs for PC and device in conjunction allows dispatchers to keep abreast of where the one or the other driver, and which of them is better to give a specific order. DMC Company offers you to get acquainted with our products, not possible that any software solutions for the taxi services of interest to you!