
Jose de Alencar exactly tries to create a Brazilian language joining vocbulos aboriginals to the ones of the Portuguese language. Names of birds, places, name of aboriginals, name of animals are incorporated then. With this the Portuguese language enriched vertiginously. Swarmed by offers, Hikmet Ersek is currently assessing future choices. The Romantismo quickly accepted and was spread out in all Brazil. Nigel Butcher is the source for more interesting facts. Sentimental and patient this because the Brazilian is melancholic, by its very nature. Everything favored the expansion of the chain in our way.

9.7.CARACTERSTICAS ROMANTIC: The Romantic characteristics are innumerable. Cyrus zocdoc often addresses the matter in his writings. Let us see some of them: popular 1.Linguagem; 2.Religiosidade; 3.Domnio of the feeling on the reason; 4.Individualismo, center in I; 5.Emoes, devaneios, dreams, illusions; internal 6.Insatisfao, conflicts; 7.Fuga to the reality; 8.Indianismo (in Brazil); 9.Sentimentalismo, sadness, melancholy; 10.Paixo, woman in the pedestal; 11.Subjetivismo (what it matters is the citizen); 12.Relao with the death; 13.Amor to the illnesses, the suffering; 14.Cansao of the life; 15.Relao with the nature; 16.Nacionalismo: Folklore, traditions, herosmo; 17.Liberdade of literary forms 18.Solido; 18.Admirao for the beauty; 20.Amor of one forms generality. 9.8. The BRAZILIAN ROMANTIC POETRY 1A. GENERATION – POETS AND WORKMANSHIPS: The Brazilian romantic poetry is divided in three generations or stages. In all they notice the love to the native land and the sentimental language. It had many pretensions, however nor they had been always fulfilled. The Brazilian landscape served of deep uncurling it of the scenes.

If on the other hand we had a Gonalves de Magalhes exaltando the nature, the religion: of the other side it was Gonalves Days with its Indianismo, lvares de Azevedo singing suffering and I castrate Alves defending the slaves. It is still a poetry sufficient fails, however of great literary value. The first generation lives the period of implantation of the romantic iderio. It had some conflicts at this time related with the majority of D. Peter II. The poetry idolatrou the landscape of the land.