In siderurgy, such reorganization (' ' apelidada' ' of ' ' descruzamento of participaes' ') it did not arrive to be made or to be completed, for the supervenience of the cited denationalizations. In the petrochemical a possibility it was bigger: the ghost of the denationalization more or less was moved away, and the resultant national groups of the privatization, excessively become indebted, with the aggravated financial situation from 99 for the depreciation of the Real, and with generation of insufficient box for the necessary expanses, they appealed insistently to the bank for the attainment of aid for the sanitation of its liabilities. It was I bid, therefore, to the BNDES, even though to protect its credits, to demand that the groups if rearranged of more rational form, through a set of operations of sales, associations, fusing and alliances. In summary, at least in the petrochemical one, the BNDES had the chance to purge its blames and to correct the anomalies of the model tripartite, aggravated in the privatization, redesigning entirely the sector. The ideal moment would have been the privatization: in case that she had been carried through ten years before, the positive effect would have been felt strong in the economy, through more intense expansion of the productive capacity, with consequent improvement of the rocking of payments of the sector.
In all the case, in the case of the petrochemical one I still redesign, it delayed was capable of ' ' to break one galho' '. The original sin of the BNDES was of if refusing it shape the sectors, promoting the birth of internationally competitive companies of transport and as corporations, and not mere efficient as productive units, and with sprayed capital, increasing the capitalizaton of the stock markets. this is clearly demonstrated when the bank, promoter of this setback, starts to admit public the necessity to remodel the two sectors, the call ' ' descruzamento' ' of participation in siderurgy, and the call ' ' verticalizao' ' ' ' agrupamento' ' in the petrochemical one.