Care with the burles of the credit that walk in net! Quasetoda the people that not only have financial problems and, already tried appeals services of miraculous announcements that appear in net. The problem is queno exists who makes miracles in this area. Several burlesfazem themselves to pass for financial consultants of Entities estrangeirasou exactly national and say to have ' ' the certain knowledge ' ' so that aaprovao of the credit is successful. Normally they costumam pediralguma documentation for analysis and passed one days they contactam for email (majority of the times) to say that it is approved. These burles semmoral none costumam to start with the colloquy that work with foreign vriosbancos, but that a ocrdito payment will go to be necessary to be approved. The satiated people already to all try in the side ej with some desperation to the mixture, there ' ' they fall in cantiga of bandido' ' quepor norm is well falantes. Costumam for opting to saying to clientepara to make the payment for western union, that it is a service detransferncia of money where the person does not have that to prove the suaidentidade to receive the money.
Therefore the choice of this serviopara the majority of these burles, rare opts to transfernciabancria or another way, therefore already it is more easy of identifies them. Existetambm certain consulting financiers and same some of position maisaltas that they have a wedge in the financial system and obtain algunsfinanciamentos (if will not have banking problems) but charge sempreentre 20/30% of the sum there that the person goes to ask for. I do not say that they nocobrassem a commission, but the charged values that ask for are nonsenses, but unhappyly majority of the people who are you give to enter nosficheiros of the Portuguese Central Bank accept the conditions, being thus to erase a very superior sum to intended, while they ganhammilhares of euros for process. In the first case that escreviaconselho to nobody to make advance payments and mainly to tentarobter the maximum of possible information, as for example: for they quemtrabalham, where it will go to be made the order of the credit, to ask for to a dwelling econtacto of fixed telephone of same the etc well-taken care of these that podemevitar in them to lose hundreds or same thousand of euros. Quantoao second in case that, costuma to be more requested for who has problems to arecorrer to the credit not for having the name in the crdinformaes but poroutros factors, for example: irs low or not to have bailers, etc. Blog the EndividadoLink of the Post: Fraudulent become indebted-Announcement.