Language and Success

Thus, the method first – prioritize. If we are not stretch our day (reduction of sleep time, I shall not take!), you should try to reallocate the time we have. To do this, cut the less important things, and thereby free up time for more important, For example, studying the Finnish language. In this case, the first reaction is likely to be: "Yes, just say so hard to do! And I have no unimportant cases! Each point is more or less important. " And that, in general, true.

Once we have something decided to do something obviously for some reason we need it. But I do not accidentally did not use the word "unimportant", but said "less important" things. As stated in a very correct, in my view, saying: "You can not catch everything, but it is quite possible catch the main thing. " You do not need to write any business in the category of "unimportant". This can be psychologically difficult to do. But you can easily say to himself: "Yes, all the cases in one degree or another major. But I have only 24 hours a day, so I need time to make sure the most important, and the rest – how much will be enough time.

" You take a piece of paper and write out all the works that would like to do. May even entitle your list of "Important case ". And this is true. And then the numbers on all things in order of priority: the most important – the number 1, then number 2, etc. Then you do not have to delete something from the list. Simply, if you have a day free to 3 hours, then you have time to do first 5 cases (for example). And if you have a free hour, then one or two cases. Small illustration. Imagine: in a rush hour bus approaches the stop, and it ten seats available, and willing to go – a hundred people. If people are crowd, it would be a terrible crush. All the same, will only 10, and the remaining 90 will remain at the bus stop and will be greatly annoyed and lose a bunch of nerves. And if people got in line early, you will have no problems: the first ten quietly enter the bus, while the rest will quietly wait for the next. So, write down all of its business, including the study of the Finnish language, and prioritize. If the language is not enough time, he's not much to you and want. And if importance of language is high enough, some business will move over, and you do not have to reproach myself for that you do not have time. You do not have time to make less important things, but it is perfectly normal. On the second a way as to find time for self-study of the Finnish language, you can read on my blog. This method is not as obvious as the first, but allows you to select the language for just an unlimited amount of time. I wish you success!