Internet Hosting

What principles guide you in the selection of hosting services? To allow Internet users to go on any internet site, it must publish to the web server. Is called a hosting service. Services providing hosting, there are two types: Web-studio, which in addition to creation of the Internet portal offered to publish the resulting web site on their servers, hosting companies, basic services which aims to support and maintenance of web servers. There are paid and free hosting. Plus free web hosting – in the absence of payment for the service location on the server, but in addition has several disadvantages: Search engines rank the sites below for free hosting, and often share offer third level domain, there are limitations in the amount of data. But it is also not considered a global problem. Free Domain ru should help solve the problems with search engines (in advance on the Russian Internet), as if your life does not take up considerable disk space, then this will be hosting a godsend. A qualitatively different level of your moves Portal best paid hosting.

Hosting with php mysql, Perl, CGI, ASP; Professional control panel cPanel; Round the clock technical support, flexible payment system, etc. Remember that the cheapest paid hosting php mysql – not a panacea. Can not choose the cheapest web hosting, because there are many companies that offer to fight for the customer best service plans and timely maintenance. The main thing – to present the most important requirements for company's host. Here are some of them: The presence and approximate number of sub-domains to Web sites; number of email accounts, needed a place on the server disk space, support databases Estimated volumes incoming and outgoing traffic, etc. After setting a number of requirements of the company, hosting provider, you will be offered the right price plan. It is better to first order the best paid hosting for a month, so it's not all haste Your quest!