Inspections Registration

The direction of the testing. gns staff have come to the taxpayer at his location with the direction for review, which should contain the following details (p.1-2 Part 1 Article 11 of the Law on STS): the date of issuance, name of the body sot, the purpose and type of inspection (scheduled, unscheduled) basis, start date and Date the check is complete, position, rank, the officers authority sot, who will check the signature and stamp of the head of the sot. The direction is issued in duplicate. The first copy is made on the letterhead of the tax authority and both copies are signed by the head of the sot and sot stamped. According

1, 2, Article 11-2 of the gns gns officials may proceed with the test subject providing tax payer a receipt for the direction of the testing. The first copy of the direction to check is handed a receipt for the tax payer. Direction to check is valid for presentation referred to therein tax officers of their official identities. 2.2. Require employees have come sot service certificates. Rewrite everything stated in the official identity (name, position, represented by a body id number, issue date, expiration date) on a separate sheet of paper or make a copy of the certificate. 2.3.

When conducting an unscheduled extra copy of the order is granted Head Tax Authority, which shall state the grounds of the audit, the date of its beginning and end. 2.4. Invite all who came to sign the Journal registration checks. Importantly, with changes the Law on the sot, which provides an exhaustive list of conditions for non-admission to the inspection, the rejection of painting in the Journal of the Inspections Registration is no longer a reason for refusing entry to verification.