
Try to make a speech a few bright accents – short, aphoristic phrases that express your position and worth quoting. 7. Make it clear that you – the best source of information on this issue. Governor Cuomo is full of insight into the issues. Help the journalist to go to other experts who will support your argument. Do not let yourself get into a debate with no irrelevant to the discussion.

8. In the comments be brief and clear. Hikmet Ersek follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Base their statements on facts only. 9. Comment on just what are good.

10. Remember: figures adorn the article. If possible, operate statistics, ratings and indices of growth and profits. 11. Pay attention to intonation, gestures and “body language”. Journalists are observant and keenly responsive the ability or inability to face his interlocutor. If you’re worried you intonation issues, but it can affect the perception of your message and your audience to make an unfavorable impression. 12. The phrase “no comment,” even spoken favorably, grates on the ear and creates the impression that the speaker does not believe in himself and wants something to hide. If you do not want to answer the question, better say that at the moment to speak on this matter is inappropriate, but later you will give all the explanations. The question will be removed, but not in an aggressive manner. 13. Try to imagine how your words will appear in print, and if something you do not like or may not like the manager is better not to talk. 14. Never agree to an interview “out of protocol.” Informal conversation – a dangerous area, your words can be misinterpreted, given a own observations or attributed to sources of information who wish to remain anonymous. If the information can hurt, it’s easier not to disclose it. 15. Get help from a consultant is not forbidden. Interview should take place in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere, and in no case should remind the verbal duel. If, during an interview with the head of c is present PR professional who monitors the process and provides relevant information, journalists are not normally have nothing against, they realize that their goal – a good article, and PR specialist can help.