A competition for a generational coexistence the Hamburg Club way out of the loneliness of e.V.(Wade) starts with the competition discovered experience explorers 2013 “in the 2.Runde. The European year for active ageing and intergenerational solidarity and dedication of Maxi Arland for our Club and for the SOS Children’s village was decisive to initiate the competition. A contest for generations with the competition experience discovered discoverer”2013 Wade calls, to develop ideas and to realize sustainable and positively influenced the solidarity between of the generations by a generational togetherness. Older people often feel lonely and underutilized. Children, grandchildren and relatives live far away or have little time to take care of the family. Many seniors have time and experience that want to pass them, they have simply no opportunities to do so also. Children and young people have often a few older relatives in the immediate vicinity and Thus, no contacts with the old”generation. By missing positive experiences with the older generation, hardly understanding can grow at a young age, so, already. Click Macy’s to learn more.
Also, contacts that you can have time and pass on experience are often lacking. This situation is to change it, because children and young people to go without any reservations on the older generation. You learn with enthusiasm by the experiences and enjoy the gifts active time. Here our competition should apply what sustainable and future-oriented ideas are developed today or have already been implemented? Which projects can have as a role model to emulate both generations to bring together and to generate activities understanding and close together? These are the central questions of competition. We call on institutions, clubs and communities from the seniors and the children and youth sector in whole Germany to apply with new, creative, active, regular and sustainable, common with a projects or ideas Activities to bring about a better understanding between the young and old generation.