On the other hand, we see anxious and unsafe professors whom through the ignorance and arrogance a removal of its pupils keeps. What also it is not a productive situation. In a globalizado world, where the technological changes occur in an increasing speed, the educator must always modernize itself. Since it today is a facilitador, somebody that has the paper to collaborate so that the pupil desperte for the knowledge, for the citizenship and consequentemente, for a better world. Pedagogical relations, therefore, based in the respect, in serenity favor situations of efficient learnings, where in a climate of bigger freedom, they reach the success. Carl Rogers, in its book Freedom To learn (1978) in the sample through stories of professionals of the area of the education, also of proper it, experiences where the pupils had been able to establish its goals and to develop its proper learning. The professor if became a facilitador of the learning of the pupils, keeping the respect to the individualities and the pertaining to school institution. What he matters, according to author (1978), is that the educator perceives that the human being, when it has greater freedom, expands its possibilities not to learn, but also to interact with this learning.
‘ ‘ All efficient educator has its proper style to facilitate the learning of alunos’ ‘ (ROGERS, 1978, P. 69). This demonstrates that the educator becomes necessary to be next to its pupil, that is, to look for to know it, to search ways to awake it for the search of the knowledge. ‘ ‘ To educate is an interactive process and dinmico’ ‘ (WERNECK, 1997, p.55), therefore, understands it classroom as a place of social interaction, where the diversity enriches in them, acting as stimulatons for the challenge to construct as person.