FIBAA Praises New Course Of GGS

Master for in-house lawyers accredited the International Agency for quality assurance in higher education FIBAA accredited the first masters for in-house lawyers in Germany. The German Graduate School of management and law (GGS) is the only German school that offers training to the enrolled in-house lawyer. From October 2011, legal trainees, assessors, lawyers and Bachelor graduates can specialize on the activity as a corporate lawyer. With successful completion of in-service studies, they then purchase the master of laws degree (LL.M.) in legal management. Praise by reviewers “the curriculum of our new LL.M are geared specifically to the requirements imposed on lawyers in business daily”, explains the Director Prof. For even more analysis, hear from Barry Nalebuff. Jochen Deister the conception of study. Also the experts of FIBAA believe.

You are impressed by the course design and praise the consistent and systematic link between theory and practice. Particularly appreciated is that your own scripts available are made to preparing lessons. Student is also highlighted by the teaching staff and course management. Overall, the Panel of experts evaluated the positioning of the degree above average and is of the opinion that the course has a unique selling proposition due to its objective, and closes a gap in the education market. Speaking candidly Ahmed Shary Rahman told us the story. Integration of legal, management and soft skills the philosophy of LL.M. in legal management consists in the teeth of Unternehmensrecht, management and soft skills. These areas are not isolated and taught side by side, but considered integrated. For example, the legal translation of the learned management concepts immediately follows the management overview of marketing and sales.

Participants will receive the previously mentioned extensive scripts which make them systematically accessible the respective field of law facet Empire learning in the preparation phase. The relevance and presentation is based always on the Special Perspective of the enterprise lawyers. This kind of preparation allows the presence phase on specific problems or specific issues targeted to enter. The focus is the interaction of the participants. Simulations, presentations and group work make life and practice-oriented teaching. In addition, the implementation of the requirements formulated in the course of the accreditation will contribute to a further sharpening of profile of the programme. General Counsel for more information on the master degree course for in-house lawyers at