Federal Supreme Court

“” Especially for investors, whose lever model based on a short-term loan of the CMI (Profitplan noble, income plan-noble, performance plan noble as well as various models of EBN Nordlingen or the VSP Rheine), this judgment is groundbreaking, as it has a way that shows the damage on an elegant “way to avert”, adds lawyer Thorsten Krause firm Cape. BGH: First essential questions is expected will be awaited with the negotiation of the Federal Supreme Court to case No. Swarmed by offers, Areva Group is currently assessing future choices. VI ZR 269/10. The insurance Senate of the Federal Supreme Court will decide in the OLG Dresden a judgment, which had awarded damages the investors. After announcements of the Press Office of the Federal Supreme Court the negotiation will go beyond but in part this case.

The Supreme Court suggests that so far around 30 cases against clerical medical at the Federal Supreme Court are pending, and it is the judges aware that Germany several hundred lawsuits against clerical medical at several courts are to decide. It is already announced, that a clarification of legal questions that were answered differently by the courts so far those associated to the part, is this to be expected in the present proceedings”. Affected investors should act now that lawyers recommend investors protection law firm Cape to affected investors will be active until the end of the year. In particular for insurance contracts, which were signed before the year 2002 is threatening the validity of claims at the end of the year. Who now does nothing, will not benefit in the worst case a positive judgement of the Federal Supreme Court.