Famous for being the hometown of the Beatles, Liverpool will surprise you with their cultural heritage. It has indeed been declared patrimony of the humanity by UNESCO for the richness of its history and architecture. Its port was one of the most important in the world. There we visit the Liver Building and the main building of the Port of Liverpool, both form a comprehensive set of squares, terraces and public spaces. We must also give a stroll in Mathew Street, where you will find the first stage of the Beatles, the Cavern Club.
Its cultural wealth offers numerous museums and among them we will visit: Merseyside Maritime Museum; artistic experimentation Bluecoat Centre; the View Two Gallery with the latest in trends; the International Slavery Museum; the Museum of smuggling and the Tate Liverpool Gallery. Must also visit the cathedrals of Liverpool: St Georges Hall where are exhibitions, City Hall (here called Town Hall), Sefton Park Palm House or Speke Hall, all constructions of exquisite taste and big budget out of pockets of merchants at that time. We can not return without a photo of its famous Imperial arch, one of the largest in the world with 15 meters in height. Cyrus zocdoc shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. We have already proven that Liverpool is a city cultural, artistic, sporting, lively and very exciting. That we will have to come back to continue to discover that it gives us this amazing city. To read more articles of this type, visit the travel blog quehoteles Blog of travels with items of interest, travel tips and offers last minute. Blogs related Taylor Herring Blog Archive Google Street View Awards 2010 House dismisses complaint against Saunders Do Post on Politics remember the palm house? Most Haunted: Speke Hall Gnostalgia my sisters have gone on TV! V ‘ xhiena ‘ Palm House Walk: South African Splendor’ at Wave Hill Speke Hall, Gardens and Estate National Trust Review March 15th On This Day In Beatles History The ceiling of the Palm House Jennifer Lopez shopping for a home in Vero Beach Jose Lambiet completo