Employment Exchange

Essence dialectical contradiction "and" dialectical system. The reader may seem that the question of the dialectic has no relation to the theory of socialism. In fact, the connection between these phenomena directly and immediately. The point that the Socialism – (which we understand not only as a formation with a high degree of development of democratic institutions and a high degree of social protection of citizens, but also as a formation, which carried out the main principle socialism "to everyone – at work") – can only be built through "spontaneyno developing" social and economic systems of dialectic, which, seeking to balance their own, form the balance of the market Labor, where he implemented the main principle of socialism. And here we come up against yet another bug that exists in modern economic theory. If it is generally accepted that the market is an institution of exchange of goods, the labor market is an institution exchange of labor for wages. But the labor exchange to exchange not work, and ability to work, and not on salary, and the workplace.

Therefore, the Employment Exchange is the front door to the labor market, which takes place at each independent enterprise, which carried out the distribution of total income from the production team working among its members. But the principle of 'each – at work "means equality between the cost of labor and cost received employee income. And here we come up against a problem that could not solve either Marxism or marginalism nor many other developers of the various theories of value, a problem without a solution which can not even dream about creating a theory of socialism of the xxi century. This is – the problem of cost. .