Dominican Republic

Which is not to say that many of these Nations are not dealing out of that tragic scenario. Growth of the VehicularCon Park relationship to 2001, the vehicle fleet in the Dominican Republic increased nearly 70% at December 31, 2008.Empero, when we observe the sector of bikers, this has greatly increased.Which also explains the exorbitant growth of the mortality rate from accidents in circulation.According to the latest statistical report of the Directorate General of internal revenue, of January 1, 2008 to December 31 of that year, the size of the Dominican vehicles reached the number of 2,440,210. Being 1,167,274 in motorcycles, which translates into an increase of 99% in the last 8 years. But, in relation to the 1999 the percentage value is 137, without considering that there is an important fleet circulating illegally. Which is the cost of Accidentes.Del 2006-2008 experienced a growth in the number of fatalities on the tracks of about 34%. %20Leviev%20sells%20Russian%20social%20network%20stake%20%5BGlobes%2C%20Tel%20Aviv%2C%20Israel%5D%7C%7CdocSource%7C%7CMcClatchy-Tribune%7C%7Cprovider%7C%7CACQUIREMEDIA&ticker=AFIL:IT’>Yitzchak Mirilashvili has to say. According to the records of this period the deaths amounted to 4, 726.Si apply a correction factor that takes into account those who died after being hospitalized, this figure could climb to 5,908, joined the attended by various hospital trauma, generates a cost which the Dominican Republic country has not undergone to seriously evaluate. And that would add many other factors to achieve reliable values.Controls vs. FatalidadesCuando look at the graphs of evolution of violations imposed by the authorities of transit and we compare the values with the fatal victims occurring monthly in our waterways, we realize It noted that in March it was when there was more flexibility with drivers, and coincides with the highest rate of accidents.

So there is an inverse relationship in both indicators. September and November were less tragic months, therefore are evidenced greater controls of the metropolitan authority of transport – AMET-in the town of the Capital City of the behaviour Republica.el hard authorities with conductors must be sustained, distortion in addition, manifested in the compared values, since drivers remain a behavioral change until you see weaknesses in the measures implemented by the agents.An issue that has been pending, is the amount of income to the Treasury by fines for infringement. Were few of the 555,661 offences paid?Offences for speeding with respect to the total imposed in that year 2008 represents a 0.2%. As regards the violation of the red light of traffic lights it reaches 12%; While that by use of cell phone driving is 9% and 10% for not wearing a belt Security.In regard to motorists without a helmet, infringements were 10%, being an almost imperceptible percentage by consumption of alcohol. Original author and source of the article.