Councilman Hipolito Moreno

It is more than 10 thousand people who have been affected by the effects of the strong and prolonged downpours that afflict the country’s capital. Sources close to the Colombian Civil Defense say that when several localities are under considerable threat recio winter product and that neighborhoods like the Antonia Santos of Bosa and the Buena Vista of San Cristobal have already submitted painful events among the inhabitants of the sector, such as landslides and dangerous falls from trees. As attention to the complex situation, the city administration has declared the State of alert yellow from November 17 and ordered relief mechanisms stay in attention to disaster readiness 24 hours a day to prevent the situation from worsening. However, weather conditions tend to worsen and the staff provided by the Administration seems not cope. First product of the effects of this plight protests shoots have appeared already in Bosa where a group close to las doscientas people It manifests arguing lack of attention by the authorities. According to Councilman Hipolito Moreno, Bogota is not sufficiently prepared to face a winter wave of the variables that the current is wave presenting and poses that the city requires at least 100 billion pesos to contribute to the strengthening of the entities responsible to care for and prevent such situations as much as possible. Regardless of the differing views about the effectiveness of the current administration, it is evident that Bogota must provide sufficient infrastructure, especially in the South of the city, providing the population not only of more dignified conditions to deal with this kind of fluctuations in the climate but also that solve serious levels of risk to which the population of this area of the country is exposed.