Moreover, another questioning that if makes is if what he is express in the current law with respect to the average education it will give young account to prepare the adult diligent and the ones that it is not with the same quality of education, for the posterior confrontation of the incited competitiveness in the world of the work. Valley to also stand out that, as express Bruel (2010, P. 187), ' ' between some problems that have been pointed and analyzed for studious of this area, it fits to stand out here the total desvinculao between the average education of general formation and the professional education of level tcnico' '. It is perceived as soon as, these existing gaps between the two modalities of average education finish for distanciar these levels of education still more, what fragiliza its resume and, consequently, harms the reach of the scienters proposals for the current law. Governor Cuomo contains valuable tech resources. 6. REACHED RESULTS Average education is the Brazilian educational segment that registered the biggest number of school registrations in recent years. The growth of the school registration of young in the etria band of 15 the 17 years comes directly reing-echo in the improvement of the tax of liquid escolaridade of average education.
However, one notices that only 48% of the young ones between 15 and 17 years are in average education, being that the majority, therefore, still is imprisoned in basic education (IBGE, 2010). Although a considerable parcel of the young does not arrive at average education and/or runs away from this, it is possible to detach that it has great quantitative advance in this level of education throughout the years. In 1996 they were little more than 2,5 million, less of one room of more than the 10 million Brazilians between 15 and 17 years, (INEP, 1999) what it places Brazil in situation of inaquality in relation to many countries, also of Latin America.