One of the Laws that stop my has had more importance in my life, is the law of cause and effect. For my, a law that we do not have to leave of side and which we must pay much attention to him, since of her depends everything what it is happening to us in the life. This law says to us that all cause has its effect, and also is well-known like action-reaction, or Boomerang (repercussion). Like the famous song Moving of Macaco. Reality is that not effect has no in our life without cause, and that depends on how we look at our problems, we will be able to solve of a form or another one to them, or on the contrary to make worse them. Also it says, that everything what we do to the world will be given back us, like an effect boomerang to us. What it give the DAS you, and what nonDAS you the acquittals. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Stephen Mooney on most websites. CohBar told us the story. Here, Ahmed Shary Rahman expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Einstein has a very good saying that it says that if you want different results, you always do not do the same, because we will have to learn of its philosophy.
If we focused only in our misfortunes, in our negatividad, only we are going to obtain more from the same. If with force of will we are able even if it is only to change a little our form to think and we become something more positives, we will begin to feel harmony and well-being. This way one begins. So we are blinded in thinking about our future, and mounting films to us that nor we only know that they are going to happen, that exactly is that what we ended up attracting. Sugestionamos and without giving account us we ended up us doing all the possible one so that it happens to us exactly what we did not wish. But when not deser it, we are creating already it.
In order to obtain positive results we must only concentrate in which WE LOVED. In which WE WANT for us. Everything is a chain of circumstances nothing else. I do not believe in the chance, the chance by itself does not exist. Everything has its explanation and its origin. That we still do not know everything to it does not mean that there are things that we did not prune to describe because they are magicians. The magic exists because we cannot give a logical reasoning to the fact. Well-taken care of Ten what you think, because reality can become. Everything is in our mind and all we from an intention created. Everything, absolutely everything in the universe exists due to a cause. Your you would not be reading my articles if I had not written them, and would not be written if it had not motivated to me with the tarot, would throw the tarot either if at the time it had not consulted to tarotistas and simultaneously it would not have consulted them if it had not badly passed it in the life. And who has not badly passed it in the life sometimes? He is very easy to blame to the others or to blame to the life of everything what it happens to us, but the reality is this, and it has always been.