
Now we consider a very simple and very entertaining lesson on self-creation of an animated gif banner. To understand what is at stake, and that ultimately turn out, looking directly at the final result of our work. To date, the most popular banners made by virtually all Web sites and on all banner exchange networks banner ads are based on a gif or flash animation standard sizes: 468×60, 100×100, 120×60, 88×31. But of course, is not dogma, there may be others, depending on the design of the site. We are with you how to create animated banner with dimensions of 468×60, which is the above example. What is the gif? This is a small video, which consists of multiple frames, which automatically "lose". That's out of this and we will proceed.

That is, we need to make multiple frames (two or more) and they lose. You can do it in Photoshop and examples on the Internet set. But if you do not have much time for settling intricacies of Photoshop – is the way much easier and faster. With the same result. This program Bannershop gif Animator 5. You can get it from any resource. Let's start.

The first thing to to do is decide how you would like to see your banner look like eventually. Come up with the textual part and the very concept of movement of words, pictures, etc. Trying to create an animation has not thought through it from beginning to end – thankless task.