
Not conformity, for happiness written down during the process of an auditorship, are legitimate instruments that serve of base for the search of the cause-root of the problem, that in turn is configured as basic step to determine the corrective actions of the same one, that is, are through the identification of a not-conformity that if arrives to the resolution of a problem. The sazonal auditorship, also called periodic, intercalated or not programmed, will make possible to verify if the corrective action was efficient or not, or even though if the action was implemented. 2,3 Classifications of the Auditorships For Cerqueira and Martins (1998), the auditorships can be classified in: ) How much to the object or Auditoria target of systems; Auditoria of processes; Auditoria of products. b) How much to the auditadas parts: Auditoria of first part: carried through for auditor internal or contracted to evaluate the proper organization; Auditoria of second part: carried through for the customer in its supplier; Auditoria of third part: carried through for Organisms of Certificao Credenciados (OCC) c) How much to the objective Certificao (third part); Superviso (second or of third parts); Prmio; Gesto; Garantia; Auto-auditorship; In accordance with norm NBR ISO the 14001 classifications more spread out they are the following ones: 2.3.1 Conceptual aspects on internal auditorship Also called auditorship of first part, appeared in the middles of year 4,000 a.C, only came to be evidenced in the end of century XIX, when the first auditors had been contracted, for private companies, to follow the construction of the American railroads (OLIVEIRA AND DINIZ SON, 2001). The internal auditorship normally is lead by members of the proper contracted organization or, prepared and instructed for such, with extremely professional behavior and complete and unrestricted obedience to the norms of auditorships previously established. Generally they are used as preparation for the auditorships of second and third part or for verification of the conformity of the SGQ.