What are the ways of application of talents and abilities have appeared in modern pet Alma Mater? We conducted a small study, interviewed the students working at Moscow State University, School of Economics, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Bauman Bauman, Textile Academy and the MAI. Information about the most popular job for students, we were in a Moscow staffing agency. Some preliminary observations to work full-time student, or at least be able to schedule a free only for the 4th year, if training is not the evening. In this case, all is simple – get a full-time and ensure its existence tells itself a form of learning. But what to do "diaries"?? Sometimes the way up, that is the shortest and easiest way to successful career – communication with teachers and professors.
They are your potential employers tend to see the student in fact, know how it works, suggest that it can be expected. Especially true collaboration with your supervisor in order to get a job with a degree today, even while studying full-time students. I do not just succeed. Political scientists, sociologists, economists, lawyers – and Students of all other professions tied "to practice" must use every opportunity to work at the research center, state agencies, even if it is you do not get a penny. But the first step – to begin work is the most difficult and necessary. If you do not make it on time, you can get into a vicious circle, like many of my classmates. . If you are not convinced, visit Marc Lasry.